Parents Are The Best homework Helpers Sun, 14 May 2023 22:49:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Research: Should Summer Have Homework? Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:07:55 +0000 Many students undertake ambitious homework during the summer program. For many students having classes in the fall, they must attend and tackle assignments through their summer vacations. They are known as “Vacation Work,” many students have homework during the summer. 

For many parents, this is a new concept. Most of them had assignment free summers. They used to spend their summers enjoying themselves without worrying about their school life. Summer to them was a time that didn’t have any structure, and one could be lazy all round and enjoy vacations with family and camps. They did not have to worry about science, math worksheets, and a list of books to read. 

Some parents say that homework during the summer is just busywork. It steals the spontaneity and joy of summer. According to Sara Bennett, from, “During the school year, kids do not get enough time to relax through the school year. Summertime should be a downtime for the kids to enjoy.” 

Vacation purists say kids need a lovely old-fashioned summer. Bennett tells parents not to allow packages sent to their kids during their summer vacation. If the school asks, the parent can say the kids didn’t get to it. It can be different if the summer assignment gets graded and can affect joining a top university.

Protecting the students’ mind from melting

Apart from summer assignments debate, some parents give their children more work during the summer that the teachers didn’t give them. They give them supplemental work, even when the children are not in school. 

The parents operate with the notion that if the students don’t engage their minds during the summer vacation, the minds will melt. There is no objective data on this yet. But as Cooper says, when children continue to use their brain muscles during the summer, it will positively affect the things they can retain when they go back to school. 

Regardless of their economic status, students lose two months of their mathematic abilities during the summer month. Low-income students fall behind on reading. If a teacher doesn’t give the students, these are some areas that the teachers can provide worksheets.

No buy-in from the kids

Denise Pope, a Stanford University senior lecturer, says that there is a lag. He agrees the summer vacation is long. Three months is a long time for students not to do anything. But with that said, he is not sure if giving the students assignments is a good idea.

Pope says that he has seen teachers overtime give loads of work, and it is more of systematic practice. The challenge with this is that it requires adult supervision. It becomes a burden not only to the kids but also to the parents. 

Homework blues year-round

The homework dramas that students go through from September to June are now all year round. Pope says that another challenge with the summer homework is that it is usually put off until nearly the summer vacation before school begins. And once the assignment gets turned in, there is typically no feedback from the teachers, and it has no apparent effect on the children’s grades.


There is no conclusive study that can say that summer vacation should not have homework. But it is recommended so that the students at least don’t lag when they go back to school.

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Why Learners Have Homework? Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:06:23 +0000 Students have complained about homework for a very long time. But most parents and teachers have argued that homework is vital as a tool in the learning process. However, studies show conflicting results which are also inconclusive concerning the effectiveness of homework, and this has led to some adults voicing their dissenting opinions arguing that outlawing homework is the best approach to helping children develop.

Research Findings Concerning Homework

The Duke professor, Cooper Harris, notes that it is vital for students to do homework. Through his homework meta-analysis, showed that there is a correlation in completing homework and succeeding in academics, especially for the older grades. He further goes on to recommend a ten-minute regulation where grade one students receive a ten-minute assignment every day and further ten minutes for subsequent grades. By the twelfth grade, students have to complete a hundred and twenty homework minutes daily. 

His analysis, however, didn’t give proof of better performance but rather, only a correlation. Which can mean homework only works for kids who commit to doing well in school. The analysis also showed homework as a source of emotional and physical stress to students which eventually led to the development of undesirable attitudes about the learning process. He also suggested more research for a better understanding of the effect of homework on kids. 

Some researchers argue that the focus should get directed to the kind and amount of homework students get assigned and not about non-issuance of homework. They further state that homework needs to address the needs of students to get considered effective. Students, mostly from middle school, for instance, had better success with online math adapted to their specific comprehension level. But a sharp drop in their science and math scores when they got subjected to more than ninety minutes of homework. 

Indiana University researchers discovered science and math homework to improve test grades that have standardization with no difference in course grades among learners who did or didn’t do homework. They theorize that assignments don’t necessarily lead to mastery of content but familiarize kids with materials or questions that are in standardized exams. Such results point to a likelihood of homework not getting used as it should. 

So in as much as parents and teachers may support the assignment of homework daily, no strong evidence exists in support of its effectiveness.

Homework Problems

Teachers mostly assign non-targeted homework because parents expect students to have homework and teachers have no choice but to assign them without necessarily having any specific objective. Such was the finding of a teacher, Hulsman Samantha after frequently hearing parents complain about students taking longer than necessary in competing their thirty-minute assignments, then experiencing the same with her kids.

Barish Kenneth, a kid psychologist, notes that homework hardly results in the improvement of a child in school. As kids who don’t carry out their homework are either discouraged, frustrated, or anxious but never lazy. Further kids with handicaps doing homework are akin to subjecting them to jog with sprained ankles. It is possible but so painful to the students.


Every teacher should carefully consider the type of homework and the level of students before assigning homework or not. For elementary schools, they can do well by skipping homework altogether, although assigning high school students homework can benefit the students.

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Should I sleep or do homework? Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:04:05 +0000 Have you ever been to that crossline when you would have to choose between your homework and sleep? Sometimes boredom, exhaustion, and lack of motivation may require that we abandon our homework and have a good sleep. 

But when you have a deadline to beat, you may be forced to push through all these to have it done. If you’ve ever experienced such a situation, how good were your grades? Certainly, you may have received a low mark and probably dozed off in class the following morning.

Students at the college and university levels mostly experience this situation as most of them have part-time jobs aside from schooling. Coming to school after work or vice versa gets them exhausted, and having to do homework at night becomes a nightmare. 

Is there an option? No! The only choice you have is to do the assignment or get a zero mark. At the higher levels of education, your professor wouldn’t entertain excuses. If they were to, then everyone would have a reason not to get homework done. 

The advantages of homework

Regardless of the controversies surrounding homework, the practice has improved some students’ academic achievement. Yes, there may be some excesses, including professors assigning loads of works that don’t even correlate with your course. Some may also require long hours to complete. That notwithstanding, a well-planned purposeful take-home task does more good to students. 

The need to do your assignment despite being tired teaches you some great life lessons, including time-management and self-discipline. You can manage your limited time to include all critical activities, like homework, helps you to stay focused. You can eliminate all distractions to work within time. Choosing your homework over a night’s sleep is a great sacrifice that can help you in future decision-making. You will always choose purpose over pleasure.

Facing challenges head-on makes your strong, so doing your home task while also needing sleep builds your resilience. Also, challenging yourself to achieve more during critical times defines successful and average people. Other benefits of homework include reinforcement of skills and serves as a preparation for the next topic.

Why you shouldn’t deprive yourself of sleep

Sleep deprivation has been one of the main concerns raised by people against long-hour homework. Denying yourself the required amount of sleep for an extended period can have adverse effects on your health. It causes depression, stress, anxiety, poor balance, and weakens your immune system. Imagine yourself staying awake throughout the night to do homework, how are you going to perform in class the next day? It is obvious that you will go to class exhausted and might doze off, lose focus, or miss most of the class lessons. On the other hand, a good sleep provides the body with the needed energy needed for the next day’s work. It improves cognition, alertness, and replenishes the brain. Let yourself rest well and order help with your assignments at Writing professionals know how to provide you with the highest quality work.


You should always find a balance between having a good sleep and having time to do your homework. Don’t substitute one for the other. Homework is important, but sleep is critical for development. 

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Why homework is bad? Fri, 03 Jul 2020 11:23:50 +0000 Some teachers and parents might have some questions in their minds. Why is homework bad? Some research suggests that when students gets homework that are out of their capacity level. It can result in stress for both parents and students.

The National Education Association(NEA) and National PTA(NPTA) have supported a standard of 10 minutes of homework per grade level. Some data have shown that just as homework is essential to students’ grades and GPA. It also has a detrimental side effect on their grades, self-confidence, social skills, and quality of life.

In recent studies, cases have shown where elementary school gets three times the standard homework. Research has found out that the first and second graders got 28-29 minutes of homework per night.
Kindergartners get 25minutes of homework per night on an average, which is not standard according to the NEA and NPTA. Stephanie Donaldson, a contributing editor, found it shocking that kindergarteners got so much work. All the extra homework will leave the family stressed, especially the parents.
Some research showed that some families fight about students’ homework, especially parents without a college degree. Some parents have instructed their younger children not to do homework. These parents have reported that the no-homework policy has helped to easy their afternoons as their children can be more involved in after school activities.

Consequences for High School Students

Some studies prove that high school students are overburdened with homework, which affects their health. In 2013, research carried out by the University of Stanford found out that students experience stress in different ways.

For instance, students in high-achieving communities spend plenty of time on homework and experience more stress, health problems, and lack of balance in their lives. This study was published in the Journal of Experimental Education. The research also suggested that more than two hours of study will be unproductive.

Another study by the University of New York in 2015 noted their findings. Their main focus was on how students at high-status private schools cope with pressure from school, college application, extracurricular activities, and expectations from parents.

The study, which was on Frontier in Psychology, found severe health effects for high school students. Examples include chronic stress, emotional exhaustion, and alcohol and drug use. Interviews with students, teachers, and administrators were involved in the research.

Almost half of the students received up to three hours of homework every night. Some also have to take college-level classes and succeed at after school activities. A lot of students feel as though they are asked to work as adults as the workload is not appropriate for the development stage.

Some students have reported their inability to relax or enjoy creative activities. More than two-thirds of students resorted to using drugs to cope with stress, especially marijuana. These results have led researchers to express their worries over high school students getting burned out before college.


As experts continue to deliberate on the pros and cons of homework, most have come to agree that the quality of homework is more important than the quantity. Pope, a co-author, argued that homework should have a purpose and benefit. Homework should be designed to improve learning and development. And if students can’t cope with their homework on their own, they shouldn’t hesitate to reach Do My Homework 123 and get professional help.

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Pros and Cons of Homework Fri, 03 Jul 2020 11:20:17 +0000 Whether homework is useful for students or not has been a reason for debate among teachers and parents for long. While some believe that homework has little or no impact on a child, others believe students stand to gain much from homework.

Is homework going to benefit the students? Should parents allow their children to be given homework in addition to rigorous school work? Here are three pros and cons of homework.

Pros of Homework

1) Homework is an indication of academic development

Assigning homework is a way of tracking students’ level of development. Homework allows teachers to know whether students are learning or not. This approach makes it easier for teachers to identify the needs of their students, those who need more attention, and those who are comprehending well.

2) Homework provides more learning time

Homework extends the learning time of students. Most school subjects don’t go beyond 30-60minutes of classroom teaching. Giving students homework provide them more time to study and learn, allowing them to affirm the knowledge acquired from school. Insufficient time can cause partial learning. Homework can help to fix those learning gaps.

3) Homework strengthens the parent-child relationship

A lot of parents find themselves too busy to even ask about their children’s school activities. With homework, parents will be compelled to provide their knowledge to benefit their wards. It is also a means for parents to know if their children are developing academically and what they will be needing.

Cons of Homework

1) Homework reduces students’ rest time

Most students put in so much energy and seriousness into their education. They hardly get enough time to rest their head during school hours. The only time to relax is when they get home. Giving them homework will most definitely minimize their rest time. For students to be academically sharp, they need sufficient time to rest and play.

2) Homework does not equate perfection

Assigning homework does not mean that students will become academically sound. Many students have to rely on other students or their parents to get the resources for their homework. The purpose of homework is to help students further understand the topics learned in school. If the basics of that information are not adequately understood, then the use of that homework is lost.

3) Homework reduces the ability to be creative

Teachers often make homework about the students’ ability to create something out of nothing. Its structure is to get the homework done, not how it is done. This arrangement shows that homework only teaches compliance rather than concepts of skill development. This method results in students getting their homework done and not being creative.


Arguing on the advantages and disadvantages of homework may continue ages as parents and teachers give their personal views on the topic. If this debate continues, the student will be at the receiving end. It is then of necessity that both sides find common ground so that the students can get the best of the educational process.

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Too Much Homework Fri, 03 Jul 2020 11:16:47 +0000 Recently, the discussion of how too much homework is given to students has been trending. Parents now begin to wonder if the extra hours on homework is necessary after each day’s work stress.

While some parents agree that extra homework helps, they also state that the quality of the homework and intention of the teachers’ matter. They also agree that homework could infringe on a child’s schedule and disrupt their education.

We will see more explanations below.

The Impact of Homework on Students’ Learning

Teachers don’t just give their students work to be done at home for nothing. There is a goal for that task. Research has shown that a homework solver can help students retain what they have learned in class. It can also help to foster student’s individual problem-solving skills like time management and critical reasoning while creating room for parent-child bonding.

All of these have been said to contribute to a child’s academic performance. In light of this fact, homework is extra practice for students. Setting the brain to such a practice gives it the ability to transform short-term knowledge into the long-term.

What Challenges Do Educators Face with Homework?

For homework to fulfill its intentions, students must attend to them with the right approach. For example, it is wrong for a student to miss the same thing over and over again.

This occurrence defeats the need for homework in the first place. It ends up in frustration when a student does not get helpful feedback from homework, especially if the student gets the homework wrong each time.

Therefore, without the help of an educator, homework becomes stressful and challenging for students. On the flip side, the unavailability of an educator also makes homework tasks less challenging than it should be.

So, giving complex homework to students frustrates them, and elementary homework doesn’t help as it makes them lose interest.

Another challenge that usually accompanies homework is its design or structure. A poorly planned homework is highly telling on the relationship existing between parents and their children.

For instance, a highly intricate and tedious homework can be unproductive in many cases, and hence creates a struggle between parents and their wards. In such cases, parents are confused if they should downplay the essence of such homework or if they should encourage their children to obey the teacher’s instructions.

Also, a common challenge with assignments is how grades are awarded upon submission. For educators, we are not sure how students got answers to their homework. Some of them do independent work while others get help from parents, tutors, or even classmates.

The limitation with perfect homework done with third party help is that students don’t get to learn from teachers what their mistakes were while attempting the homework. In other words, such perfect homework denies students receiving helpful feedback that their teachers would have otherwise given them.


Homework can become too much if it is not given with the right motive. Educators and parents need to rise to the task and ensure that children get the right amount of homework that will benefit their learning.

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Looking For A Great Free Homework Math Solver Online Thu, 15 Mar 2018 13:16:32 +0000

Math homework tends to be assigned nearly every night of the week. For some students, this is simply just too much homework throughout the week, especially if they have to work or participate in extracurricular activities. Students who need a break or some help with their math homework can hire someone to complete their assignments, work with a tutor, or find a math solver. All of these options can be found online, but only the math solver can be found and used for free.

Conduct a Search and Evaluate the URLs

If you are looking for a math solver, there are several places that you can turn. The first is your favorite search engine. You simply need to conduct a search for a free math solver and the search engine will deliver many helpful results. Your job is to look through the results and find the one that looks the most useful. You can separate the good from the bad based on the URLs of the websites. If you can find some that are sponsored by colleges or universities, you can trust that those will be the best.

Check Out What Your Teacher Has to Offer

Another useful place to find a free math solver is through your school. Many teachers will share their favorite online apps with their students so their students can use them as tools for checking work. You can also use your textbook as an option because so many publishers are offering free online extras, like math solvers to get their clients more interested in purchased e-textbooks instead of the traditional hardcover books.

Educational Websites Provide Useful Apps

Some of the non-profit educational websites will include free apps for their clients. You should be able to find many apps, like math solvers, that you can use to get your homework done quickly each night. If you do find a math solver at a favorite educational site, be sure to give the site some recognition through social media so the site can build a bigger fan base.

Visit Blogs and Search Social Media

Speaking of social media, you should be able to homework help sites, too. Bloggers also love to share useful apps so they can draw more viewers and readers to their pages. If you have a math blog that you use, you can always ask the blogger for a good place to find a solver app.

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College Economics Homework Help: 10 Vital Tips From Experts Wed, 14 Mar 2018 08:08:56 +0000 Assignments are likely to take up all your time until you realize that school years are devoid of fun. Homework help reduces the time spent on assignments and thus allows you to engage in other more interesting activities. Here are expert tips to reduce time spend in the library and also make assignments easier to complete.

  1. Review Instructions Given
  2. School work is sometimes challenging to complete because you do not understand what is expected. In other cases, you begin working on the tasks only to realize that you missed some instructions. With a clear understanding of instructions, you will produce excellent work that does not require repetition. If any section of the instructions is not clear, consult your teacher for directions.

  3. Revise Your Notes
  4. Assignments are mainly based on class work. The topic is already covered or about to be covered. This means that any difficulty you encounter can be solved by reviewing your notes. You may also consider getting college homework help from other reference materials, different from what your teacher used. It gives you another perspective that might be easier to understand.

  5. Seek Help Early
  6. Do not hesitate to get help whenever you feel stuck with class work. Waiting until the last minute minimizes your chances of getting quality help. Request for assistance as early as possible to avoid missing the deadline for submission. If time is on your side, you will avoid online writing scams.

  7. Get A Strong Topic
  8. Everything you do about the assignment will be determined by the topic you choose. Choose a topic that is interesting, strong and relevant. Ensure that it is fresh, unique and original to capture the attention of readers.

  9. You Do Not Have To Pay
  10. There is a way you can get free economics homework help. There are apps that are designed to provide free assistance to students on different topics. Teachers, seniors, colleagues and family members will also assist you for free.

  11. Consult Your Teacher
  12. Your teacher should be your first source of help whenever you face a difficult assignment. Teachers understand the weaknesses and strengths of their students. The fact that they do not have a commercial interest in the assistance also makes it easy for you to get assistance. Further, the teacher is always available in school to assist.

  13. Beware of Plagiarism
  14. Plagiarism is a serious offense in school. Do not collect a paper until you have checked for originality. There are plagiarism checkers online that will help you eliminate affected areas. Such areas can haunt you years after you complete your work.

  15. There Are Conmen
  16. Beware of people pretending to offer writing help online, especially when the deal is too good. You can easily be duped into paying for services you will never get. Others could steal your credit card details and compromise your finances.

  17. Confidentiality is Important
  18. Ensure that the helper maintains confidentiality especially when the assignment is a complete paper. Details of the transactions should not be accessible to third parties to maintain the integrity of your work.

  19. Edit Before Submission
  20. Go through the paper before submission. Familiarize yourself with the content, especially to make it easy to defend the content when asked.

The help you receive must be professional and credible. If it is compromised, your performance will also be compromised. This will affect your integrity and prospects in future.

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Ten Hassle-Free Methods To Hire A Professional Homework Helper Wed, 07 Mar 2018 14:31:39 +0000 Students are encouraged to get help with homework whenever a task proves difficult to complete. The challenge for most students is where to get quality help. Here are suggestions Do My Homework Now experts on how to get the quality help that makes your class work easier.

  1. Your Classmates Can Help
  2. Classmates study the same topics and materials are you do. Some are good at one topic or subject while you are good at another. Discuss the assignment during free hours or after school. This is better because you will be following the same examples or methods given by your teacher in class.

  3. Consult Your Teacher
  4. Your teacher is the source of the most credible and reliable help. Teachers gave the assignment and therefore understand the sections that would be problematic. They will direct you on where to get help in case they are not ready to offer it directly.

  5. Seniors Are Resourceful
  6. Seniors have gone through the topics you are handling at the moment. This means that they understand your struggle. They are willing to assist whenever requested.

  7. Family Members Are Available
  8. Rarely do people think of family members as capable of providing help me with my homework. However, some are way ahead of you in academics and will provide very reliable assistance. They do not charge for the services and have no commercial interests.

  9. Understand Your Needs
  10. Before asking for any help, you must know what you need. This helps you identify the best source. If you need an online assignment solving app, real-time tutor, a writer, or resources to help you complete the work, this will be determined by your needs.

  11. Begin Searching Early
  12. Rushing the last minute to look for a homework solver will most likely result in a disaster. The hurry denies you an opportunity to scrutinize the information provided and avoid scams. You usually settle for the writer who promises the best yet is not verified to offer quality. With time on your side, you can even compare the offers to identify where you will get the best value for money.

  13. Get A Referral
  14. It is hectic to search for a reliable helper among thousands, all promising the best services. This is similar to gambling where you are hoping that you land a good helper. With a referral, the helper has already been ascertained to offer quality assistance. This saves you time and enables you to get quality help.

  15. Read Reviews
  16. Check what people say about helpers online. Reviews are real-life experiences that will help you avoid the problematic helpers.

  17. Check Payment Methods
  18. The method used in making payments is an indication of the professionalism of a helper. Be cautious if asked to pay a huge amount upfront because it could be a scam. The methods of payment must be formal and not shrouded in mystery.

  19. Anti-Plagiarism Measures
  20. Ensure that the helper has in place anti-plagiarism measures. This ensures that your content is 100% unique. This will protect you from receiving copied work.

Professionals who do my homework are expensive to hire. However, not all expensive services are quality. Evaluate the delivery of a helper before signing a contract.

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How To Find A Homework Company Of Good Repute Thu, 15 Feb 2018 13:17:25 +0000

When you are looking for any business online, you have to be careful of who you choose because some businesses online can take advantage of you and you don’t want that to happen. Especially if you are looking to get homework help, the good thing about most homework help online is that you can get it for free but if that doesn’t work. You can hire a tutor online to do homework for you. Online tutoring is the new way for students to get professional help with their homework from the comfort of their own home. There are a lot of places out there so you have to know which one is the best for your money.

How To Find A Good Homework Company

  • When you do a search of homework companies, you get a lot of results and you have to look at each one before you choose the one to use. You want to look for ones that have very detailed profiles of the tutors that they employ. This will give you a better understanding of what tutor can help you with what. Having a college degree is a plus but some students do this to make some extra money so it isn’t always required.
  • You also want to look at price, some places can charge hundreds of dollars an hour for tutoring, while other charge under fifty. Make sure you have a budget in mind when you are starting the selection process.
  • You should also look at any feedback or reviews that were posted on the tutor or the website. This will give you a better idea on whether they can help you with your homework or not.
  • If you are having a problem finding a tutor that you can afford, there is a cheaper option to get your homework done. There are places out there that will do your homework for you but you have to use them with caution. Make sure you check all of the reviews and investigate the website before you use them.

Choosing the right homework company to help you with your homework can be time consuming but this list should help you identify and choose the right one. Keep in mind that if you choose someone local on one of the tutoring sites, it will be cheaper, they usually only charge you around twenty dollars an hour compared to the forty an hour Tutor Dot COM charges.

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